Can we answer some of your questions below?
Does my child have to be baptised Catholic to enrol at St. Patrick's Primary School Geelong West?
No. Our school is open to all who want to share our educational goals, inspired by Christian principles, and we welcome all families who wish for their child to benefit from a Catholic education.
What are the fees at St. Patrick's Primary School Geelong West?
Click here if you would like to find out about our Fee and Levy Schedule for 2023.
Which Secondary Schools do the students from St. Patrick's Primary School Geelong West attend following Year 6?
Our Year 6 students typically transition and gain a place in their first choice of secondary school. Some examples of Year 7 choices are:
Catholic schools: St Joseph’s College, Sacred Heart College, Clonard College, Iona College and St Ignatius.
Independent schools: Kardinia International College and Geelong College.
What is the curriculum like at St. Patrick's Primary School Geelong West?
We provide a contemporary and engaging curriculum that follows the Victorian Curriculum F-10. The curriculum is inclusive, differentiated, and student-centred, catering for individual students’ needs using explicit direct instruction to inspire a love of learning. We provide specialist teaching areas that include Physical Education, Visual Arts, Digital Learning, Italian, and Performing Arts.
How are parents kept in the loop at St. Patrick's Primary School Geelong West?
We pride ourselves on clear and timely communication with the parent community. Our school newsletter is sent out every fortnight, celebrating events, initiatives, community/learning news, and reminders/dates for future events. We also use a secure online platform, Seesaw, to communicate with parents regarding their child’s learning and share updates. Parent-teacher meetings are held twice a year to discuss their child’s progress in school.
Do we have to wait for an open day to tour the school?
No. You are more than welcome to contact the school on (03) 5229 4412 to organise a personal tour of our beautiful school. Alternatively, you can email our office on office@spgeelongwest.catholic.edu.au to arrange a time to look around.
Do you have Out of School Hours Care?
Yes. Our before and after school care program is provided on site by TheirCare. It operates in our hall from 7:00 am until 8:45 am and from 3:30 pm until 6:00 pm. Visit www.theircare.com.au to register.
How are the classes structured at St. Patrick's Primary School Geelong West?
Classes are structured as straight grades.
How do I enrol my child?
The enrolment form can be found on our school website under the ‘enrolment’ link. This can be completed and either emailed or handed into the school office.
Of course, you may have other questions that you would like to ask, and we encourage you to make contact on (03) 5229 4412 or via email office@spgeelongwest.catholic.edu.au